Planet dance


Another amazing dance show has yet again taken place bringing brand new styles of dance to the school. ‘Planet dance’ allowed us to take our audience on a trip around the world and allowed our dancers to explore different countries through dance.



A brand new addition to the dance show was the Bollywood dance number! The Saturday 1 O’ Clock class worked closely with the choreographer Madhumita Jenna to create an exciting and vibrant Bollywood dance number. This was not only a great opportunity for our dancers but was amazing to watch and took our dance show to a whole new level. Another new addition to our show was the use of lightsabers from our wonderful adult tappers, this was very effective onstage and helped bring the choreography to life for our audience!



A huge well done to our younger classes who performed fabulously as bugs, fish, people at the seaside and different types of weather! Thank you to all of our dancers for their brilliant performances and professional behaviour back stage, and another thank you to everyone who helped organise this fantastic show!

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